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Payment Changes Due To Covid-19

Dear Customers,
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, with the safety of our auction team and our valued clients in mind, we have closed our saleroom and postponed upcoming sales until such time as we are able to reopen. In the meantime, our office staff are attempting to pay out sales that have been finalised so as to cause as little disruption as possible to our clients.
Due to the restrictions on movement, our staff are working from home and as such are not able to issue printed statements or payments by cheque. We are endeavouring to pay as many clients as possible using electronic fund transfers.
In order to process payments as efficiently as possible we are asking any clients that usually get paid by cheque, to complete this online form, with your IBAN and other relevant details. Please click the link to complete the form. Client Information Form.
We appreciate your patience during these difficult times and ask that if you have any queries that you send them to info@hermanwilkinson.ie and we will attempt to address them as promptly as possible.
Stay safe and we hope to see you again soon.